Prayer: Talking to God when you’re not sure what to say
John Teten
Prayer is an essential part of relating with God, so why is it often frustrating and confusing? Together we’ll join the disciples in pleading with Jesus…”Lord, teach us to pray!” (Luke 11:1)
Buzzsaw Bible Reading
Mark Bogart
Bo in your reading? Having trouble remembering what you have read? Read faster and remember more! Get the reading “know how” necessary to read the Bible quickly and effectively. This workshop will help youchange the way you think about reading the Bible and give you practical tools to help you in your reading.
Essential Discipleship: Raising up laborers through modeling
Joel Otero
In John 1:39, Jesus invited two men to "Come and see." In our discipleship what does it look like to let others to observe what we do and how we live? Could you raise up the next generation of laborers by inviting them to "Come and see" your life?
Rest, Anxiety &
The Gospel
Andrew Duran
"Thou has formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee” - St. Augustine. The world moves pretty fast and it’s fruit has already come to bear: anxiety, depression & burnout. Let’s open up the Bible together and see what God has to say about Rest and how the Gospel gives us a new, better way to carry life’s burdens.
Prayer: From ACTS
to All-Day
Mark Smith
Will your prayer life now look like it does in 10, 20 50 years? How to keep prayer evolving through life stages without forsaking the key, foundational elements.
Disciple-Making for a Lifetime
Jen Huxford
Jesus calls every disciple to make disciples, from their very first days following him till their final breath. Come learn as we share how to make disciples over the long haul and for a lifetime.
Until the Whole World Hears: Cultivating a Heart for the Nations!
Matt & Emilie Bahr
Whether you've thought very little about what God thinks of people & nations or you're ready to hop on a plane abroad tomorrow, we hope Scripture, stories, & a few practical tools will be a starting place to cultivate a genuine heart for the nations. Even as we prepare to move overseas, God is continuing to grow our hearts for the nations - come learn with us!
Dan Jordahl
Getting and Keeping a Grasp on God’s Word
Dave Wirgau
"How important is God's Word to the spiritual life of the believer?", you might ask. And I would respond, "How important is an air tank to the life of a deep sea diver?" God's Word, the Bible, is God's main way of communicating with us, and in growing our life with Him. Come and discover how to get a grasp on God's Word now, and how to maintain that grip for a lifetime with the One who desires to communicate with you.
Evangelism IRL
Linsey Davis & Keith Messer
We are commanded to share the Gospel - but how? What can it actually look like in your day to day life? We will explore what it can look like to share your faith through all seasons of life. We will share experiences from college and post-college that we hope will be helpful as you engage with people in your life who don’t know Jesus yet.