Ignite Schedule
6:00pm - Registration/Check-In
8:00pm - Large Group Meeting in WAC
Saturday Morning
8:00am - Breakfast
8:50am - Time Alone With God
9:25am - Missions Morning in WAC
10:10am - Workshop 1
11:35am - Workshop 2
Saturday Afternoon/Evening
1:00pm - Lunch
2:00pm - Free Time
5:30pm - Dinner
6:45pm - Large Group Meeting in WAC
9:30pm - Night Event in WAC/Free Time
8:00am - Interest Breakfasts Start
8:10am - Breakfast
8:40am - Pack Up and Time Alone With God
9:40am - Large Group Meeting in WAC
Workshop Locations
Rest, Anxiety & The Gospel - WAC A
Trusting God With Your Emotions - WAC B
Evangelism IRL - WAC C
Fellowship For A Lifetime - WAC D
Engaging Deeply with God - Chapel
Disciple-Making for a Lifetime - Conference Center Classroom 2
Prayer: From ACTS to All-Day - Conference Center Classroom 4
Growing in Your Ethnic Identity - Conference Center Classroom 6
Getting & Keeping a Grasp on God’s Word - Conference Center Classroom 8
Until the Whole World Hears: Cultivating a Heart for the Nations! - Lodge Lounge